
...everything you need to know!

Booking terms

  • Article 1
    The owner undertakes to personally welcome holidaymakers with all due attention to facilitate their stay and knowledge of the region.
  • Article 2
    Conclusion of the contract : The reservation becomes effective as soon as the Owner has received a non-refundable deposit from the customer, with a minimum of 50% of the stay. Payment of this deposit constitutes acceptance of the general terms and conditions.
  • Article 3
    Payment of balance: The balance is payable on arrival at the owner's home. Payment can be made by cheque, bank transfer, credit card, ANCV holiday voucher or in cash. We may ask you for a copy of your identity card or passport in order to secure your payment. We do not keep customers' credit card details after payment has been made.
  • Article 4
    Cancellation by the customer: Due to the small size of our guest house, any cancellation has a significant impact on us.

    a) In all cases, the deposit remains the property of the owner, who reserves the right to claim the balance of the price of the stay.
    b) If the cancellation is made less than 48 hours before the start of the stay, the deposit will be retained by the owner and the full amount of the stay will be due, less any nights that may have been re-let.
    c) If the customer does not show up before 8 p.m. on the day scheduled for the start of the stay, and has not informed the owner of his lateness, the owner may make use of his guest rooms. The deposit will be retained by the owner and the full amount of the stay will be due.
    d) In the event of a stay that is shorter than the one initially booked, the price corresponding to the cost of the accommodation initially booked remains the property of the owner in its entirety.
    e) In the event of cancellation after arrival, the price corresponding to the cost of the accommodation will be retained in full by the owner. En cas de longs séjours, nous vous recommandons de contracter une assurance annulation.
  • Article 5
    Cancellation by the owner: When, before the start of the holiday, the owner cancels the holiday, he must inform the customer and ensure that the message has been received by the customer. Without prejudice to any claims for damages, the customer will be reimbursed immediately for any sums paid.
  • Article 6
    Arrival: The customer must arrive on the specified day and at the times indicated on the site. In the event of late or delayed arrival, the customer must inform the owner.
  • Article 7
    Departures: Departures must take place before 11.00 am.
  • Article 8
    Use of the premises: The customer must respect the peaceful nature of the premises and use them in accordance with their intended purpose. They undertake to return the rooms in good condition. A deposit of 150 euros will be requested on arrival and will be returned on departure if no damage is found. In the event of damage, the customer undertakes to reimburse the costs incurred.
    The rooms are non-smoking.
  • Article 9
    We reserve the right to change your choice of room to one of the same category or higher, if necessary.
  • Article 10
    Capacity: Reservations are made for a specific number of people. If the number of guests exceeds this number, the owner is able to refuse additional guests without cancelling the reservation.
  • Article 11
    Animals: Animals are not permitted. Should the customer fail to comply with this clause, the owner may refuse to accept the animals. This refusal can in no way be considered as a modification or cancellation of the reservation at the owner's initiative, so that in the event of the customer's departure, no reimbursement can be considered.
  • Article 12
    OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE INFORMATION ON THE BLOCTEL SYSTEM (ART L 223-2): ‘When a trader collects telephone data from a consumer, he shall inform the consumer of his right to register on the telephone marketing opposition list. Where this information is collected when a contract is concluded, the contract shall state, in a clear and comprehensible manner, the existence of this right for the consumer’. You can register free of charge on the BLOCTEL telephone marketing opposition list, which is managed by OPPOSOTEL under a public service delegation agreement.
  • Article 13
    In accordance with Articles L. 616-1 and R. 111-1 6° of the French Consumer Code, the customer is entitled to refer the matter to the Tourism and Travel Ombudsman, whose contact details are currently as follows: Médiateur Tourisme Voyage MTV Médiation Tourisme Voyage. Details of how to make a complaint are available on the following website: www.mtv.travel
  • Article 14
    DUO DETENTE guest room, 15 rue de la grande paroisse 77670 Vernou S/Seine - Phone. : 0669964797 - Email : duodetente77670@gmail.com - Siret : 839 929 361